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Monday 31 March 2014

My month of reading

Many books started and paused, but also many read though to the end this month. Not in any particular order.

'All in the Mind' - Alastair Campbell. Ironically picked up in Headway charity shop  A crackling start with an interesting character structure. I admire his use of words.

'Warwick' - Tony Riches. A book review read - as not really my period of history reading. Easy educational read although I found out afterwards Richard Neville is quite a controversial character.

'Lily's daughter' - Diana Raymond.   A recommendation, again not my kind of book but a useful read for writing purposes.

'Flying Cats and Flip Flops' - Paul Johnson. Another recommended read.  Not really sure why I read this to the end.

J G Ballard's Biography and his book 'Kingdom Come'. Both worth a read. Interesting history as a writer.

Michael Morpurgo's biography with seven short stories. A good presentation and corrected my erroneous view his marriage to Penguin founder's daughter must have helped in his publishing success.

'Empire of the Clouds' A nostalgic look at post war British military aviation. 

However the best read of the month, still in progress, is Angela Macmillan's anthology 'A Little Aloud' A delightful book with the selection of stories providing great entertainment and examples of excellent writing and story telling.



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